WMCFW 2014: Day 5

WMCFW 2014: Day 5

For the last and final day of WMCFW S/S 2015, I decided to go all out and wear the most avant garde outfit that I own. This blue “paperbag” dress (from the H&M Studio collection) was surprisingly comfortable, though I did wear a paper of spandex shorts underneath to prevent any suprising flashes in the case of a bend over mishap. I’ve never actually worn something as crazy as this before, and was a little bit worried as to how comfortable I’d feel wearing something as out there as this.

Surprisingly though, I didn’t feel out of place whatsoever at all, considering that it is Fashion Week afterall, and I am in Toronto, as opposed to Ottawa. This dress received lots of love, inspiring me to continue and explore unconventional fashion as it’s so much more fun than just your everyday closet.

WMCFW 2014: Day 5

WMCFW 2014: Day 5

WMCFW 2014: Day 5

Dress – H&M | Shoes – Zara
I can’t have a Fashion Week post without including some photos from the shows right? One of the biggest surprises on the last day was seeing Gina Tores (Jessica from Suits) walk the runway for Huntress’ debut launch. She commandeered the two dogs who walked down the runway with her and looked stunning!
WMCFW 2014: Day 5

Another fan favorite amongst the show goers was Mikhael Kale’s beautifully constructed dresses. The fold out piece paired well against futuristic cut-outs. His collection also played with a variety of fabrics (sometimes up to 3-4 in one look alone) and showed great attention to detail.

WMCFW 2014: Day 5
One of my favorite designers that showed was Brit Wacher. Mostly because her collection was very ready-to-wear and designed with a modern and minimalistic aesthetic in mind. I absolutely loved her boxy designs as well as the different fabrics and textures. Like Mikhael Kale, her artful use of folds in fabrics worked fantastically against her neutral palettes, yet allowed her to add in subtle pops of colors. My absolute favorite look, was the skirt with a fluorescent yellow underlining that glowed againt the marbled silver fabric.
And of course you can’t end Fashion Week without a closing show by Mikael D. His collection was filled with beautiful formal and evening dresses that accentuated the models’ figures and were completely on trend. Beauty pageant fluffy level dresses? Nope, think adorably modern, sleek and sexy silhouettes.
It was fantastic covering WMCFW S/S 2015 and I met some extremely talented and kind people throughout the week! I’m definitely hoping to be at the next one in 6 months time to see the new looks that designers have created!