Caps & Knits

Caps & KnitsIf it’s not already apparent by now, leather makes up a huge majority of my everyday wardrobe. Whether it be something as simple as pair of shoes, a nice bag, or something a little bit crazier like a pair of jogging pants, I’m bound to have at least one piece of leather on me at all times every day.

But because leather can sometimes come off a little bit too edgy for me, I like to pair it with counter opposites. Sometimes it’s something that’s a little bit girlier like a lacie top, or something a little bit more laid back like a chunky knit sweater. Obviously in the dead of winter, lace isn’t exactly my fabric of choice, so a white as snow chunky knit sweater will just have to make do I guess. Who am I kidding, I absolutely love knit sweaters (as you can probably tell from my second last post)!

Speaking of my leather addiction, I’ve been thinking of getting myself a leather cap. Remember my hatred of head gear? I guess that Yankees cap really changed things around! I’ve been toying with the idea of a leather cap for awhile now, and got the chance to take my friend’s, Let’s Talk Threads, for a spin when she came over the other day to shoot with me. And if you’re wondering if she was the one that shot this look for me, then you’re right!

I’ve had too much of a girly vibe going on for the past few weeks with the holidays wrapping up, so I decided that it was time for a more sporty-chic look to make an appearance. Not to be lost in all sportswear though, I put a tiny touch of my feminine side back into the outfit through my leather combat boots. What’s your take on all of this leather?

Caps & Knits Caps & Knits Caps & Knits Caps & Knits Caps & Knits Caps & Knits Caps & Knits Caps & Knits

Sweater – Noul | Pants – H&M | Boots – Zipia | Cap – Aritzia
