Bi-Weekly Round Up

Bi-Weekly Round Up

These past two weeks have quickly flown by and I’m already starting to miss home again. When I first moved to Toronto, I went back to Ottawa almost every second week for about 2 months. But now it’s the first time that I’ve been away for longer than that and it definitely doesn’t feel the same. Nonetheless, I still love living here independently and wouldn’t trade it for anything else – besides P living here with me as well.

I met the most adorable dog a couple weeks back, his name is Mochi. With fur in the shape of a puff ball, he was the most cuddliest thing that I’d ever laid my eyes on.

Bi-Weekly Round Up
Bi-Weekly Round Up

I was strolling down Queens street and spotted these adorable Mean Girls inspired posters and just had to take a snap shot. I’m a huge fan of the movie and oddly enough this year is its 10th anniversary. The little posters couldn’t have shown up at a better time.

I don’t usually wear jewelry but these pretty baubles caught my eye at the Shop for Jayu Collection Launch. And now for the food. I’ve eaten so much these past couple of weeks that my abs have paid the price for it. Gone into hiding for the fall and winter, I’ve absolutely decided that it’s the right time to start loading up on the tummy fat for hibernation.

Bi-Weekly Round Up
A little bit of shaved ice and mango never hurt anyone.

Bi-Weekly Round Up
Trying out some food at Taste of Danforth.