2020 Year in Review & 2021 Thoughts

2020 Year in Review & 2021 Thoughts

I have been welcoming in 2021 very slowly, I’m not even exaggerating. I already know off the bat that January for my industry is quite slow to begin with, there isn’t always a lot of work, so for the first time ever, I’m embracing it and allowing myself to take some time off. If you’ve been following along over on my YouTube channel during vlogmas, then you’ll know I was feeling very burnt out, overworked, and exhausted. I don’t really know why I let it get to me though because this isn’t new and it happens every year. While I may not necessarily be able to control that, I can control how I take on January, and this year for the first time ever, I’ve chosen not to beat myself up for being lazy and not working in January. Instead I’m going to take the much needed time to reflect back on this past year, clean up our place a bit (or condo is in heavy need of a refresh and cleaning), and to work on myself (think reading more books, getting back into yoga, and trying to eat healthy again).

2020 was hard on everyone though, so if you’re still feeling exhausted, tired, burnt out, or just simply done with everything, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Between the election, the pandemic, inability to travel, inability to visit friends and family, BLM, the wildfires, and so many more things that happened, it easy to see how anyone would want some time to themselves.

2020 Year in Review & 2021 Thoughts

But even though there were tough times, as I look back on the year, there were so many other amazing ones as well. Peter and I got legally married back in January of last year, we got the opportunity to travel to Orlando with Mel and Dave, and then the two of us went to MTL and then LA in February before everything went nuts. After that, our lives seriously slowed down, but not to the lack of positives either. I got the chance to finally slow down, to review how my life is currently going, and to take stock of what’s been going on.

Work was definitely really slow for the first couple of months of lock down and I was seriously stressed out as to whether or not I would be able to hit my financial goals, or let alone even make enough this year. I’m not even joking when I’m saying that I was stressed, because there were moments when I even considered if I would need to start looking for a formal job again to be able to make enough money to pay off our bills. Thankfully a couple months after the initial lockdown, things started going back to normal and we managed to meet all of our financial goals by the end of the year. So I’m actually quite grateful for the way that the year ended, even though at the beginning I was seriously doubting the direction that things were going to go.

For a full break down of how I felt 2020 went, I shared all of my thoughts over on my YouTube channel, along with my goals and intentions for 2021. Let’s just say that 2021 would be as quantitatively driven as 2020 was, and I’m 100% okay with that. I’ve realized what’s truly important in maintaining my happiness and I’m hoping to be able to achieve it with these subtle mindset tweaks. I definitely do have specific metrics and goals of my own that I want to hit, but I’m constantly working hard at not holding myself and self worth to just numbers, because what do you really do with those numbers if your platforms were to up and disappear one day? I’m hoping that this mindset switch will lead to a happier and healthier lifestyle so that I can go through 2021 with better intentions than I had previously been living.

Let me know what you’ll be doing differently in 2021 down below in the comments! I’d love to know if you’re making any intentional new year’s resolutions or if you’re just grateful that we’ve all gotten over 2020 together as a team.
